How To Crochet A Giraffe

closeup photo of the crochet giraffe next to a basket of amigurumi

This giraffe is a pretty special pattern for me, because it marks my return to crochet design after a couple of months’ break. Which might not sound like much, but I usually design constantly, so it’s been a thing!

My crochet giraffe pattern is one of my larger creations at over 15 inches tall, but it didn’t take too long to create. If you can read a simple amigurumi pattern and have crocheted a few times before, this could be the perfect next project for you.

He’s also a great zoological companion for my zebra, okapi and elephant patterns if you’ve made them previously!

*The products linked in this pattern were carefully selected by me based on what I used to produce the design. If you decide to purchase using the links provided, I may earn a small commission on that sale at no extra cost to you.

Your Kit List

Here’s what I used to create my giraffe pattern.

You’ll have noticed that I used two different yarn weights in this pattern. It’s a little unconventional, but I wanted to give a lift to the hoof areas and patches, which I think this heavier weighted yarn achieves.

Stitches and Techniques

This pattern uses the standard amigurumi stitches, along with some hand sewing to attach the patches and join the toy together. Here are the abbreviations you’ll see and some links to tutorials for particular techniques.

photo of the amigurumi giraffe standing on a window sill

My Crochet Giraffe Pattern

I crocheted my giraffe in separate sections, and hand sewed the composite pieces together at the end.

The head

photo of the giraffe toy standing on my shelf

Work with your yellow yarn and 3.5mm crochet hook.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 4 – 5

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 6

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 8 (32)

Round 7 – 15

1sc x 32 (32)

Round 16

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 8 (40)

Round 17 – 19

1sc x 40 (40)

Round 20

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 8 (48)

Round 21

1sc x 48 (48)

Round 22

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 8 (56)

Round 23

1sc x 56 (56)

Round 24

(1sc x 6, 2sc) x 8 (64)

Round 25 – 30

1sc x 64 (64)

Round 31

(1sc x 6, sc2tog) x 8 (56)

Round 32

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 8 (48)

Round 33

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 8 (40)

Round 34

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 8 (32)

Stuff the muzzle of the giraffe, then insert safety eyes at around level 22, and approximately 20 stitches apart. To inset the eyes, take a strand of yarn and tie to behind each safety eye backing and pull it taut.

Round 35

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 8 (24)

Round 36

(1sc, sc2tog) x 8 (16)

Stuff the remainder of the giraffe’s head.

Round 37

sc2tog to close. Hide the yarn tail inside the head.

Giraffe ears

picture showing the giraffe's ears

Use your 3.5mm crochet hook and yellow yarn again.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of five stitches (5)

Round 2

1sc x 5 (5)

Round 3

2sc x 5 (10)

Round 4 – 5

1sc x 10 (10)

Round 6

(1sc, 2sc) x 5 (15)

Round 7 – 8

1sc x 15 (15)

Round 9

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 5 (20)

Round 10 – 11

1sc x 20 (20)

Round 12

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 5 (15)

Round 13

(1sc, sc2tog) x 5 (10

Round 14 – 15

1sc x 10

Flatten the piece, and gently push your finger into the wide section to give it shape. Slip stitch to close and leave a long tail of yarn for sewing later.

Making the ossicones

Image of the two ossicones

Your giraffe’s little horns are called ossicones, and you’re going to make two in the brown/orange yarn using your 3.5mm hook.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3 – 5

1sc x 16 (16)

Round 6

sc2tog x 8 (8)

Round 7 – 10

1sc x 8 (8)

Slip stitch to finish. You can now stuff the ossicone, but leave the bottom end open for sewing later.

The body

Photo of the crochet giraffe's body

Your giraffe’s basic body will be made all in yellow yarn. The patches will get sewn on later, so for now just grab your yellow yarn and 3.5mm hook.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 4 – 15

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 16

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 8 (32)

Round 17 – 25

1sc x 32 (32)

Round 26

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 8 (40)

Round 27 – 32

1sc x 40 (40)

Round 33

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 8 (48)

Round 34 – 35

1sc x 48 (48)

Round 36

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 8 (56)

Round 37

(1sc x 6, 2sc) x 8 (64)

Round 38 – 46

1sc x 64 (64)

Round 47

(1sc x 7, 2sc) x 8 (72)

Round 48 – 52

1sc x 72 (72)

Round 53

(1sc x 7, sc2tog) x 8 (64)

Round 54

(1sc x 6, sc2tog) x 8 (56)

Round 55

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 8 (48)

Round 56

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 8 (40)

Round 57

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 8 (32)

Round 58

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 8 (24)

Round 59

(1sc, sc2tog) x 8 (16)

Fill with toy stuffing.

Round 60

sc2tog to close, and hide the yarn tail end inside the body section.

Front legs

Picture of the giraffe's arms

Your legs will begin at the hooves in the darker shade, then change to yellow later so have both yarns to hand. Use your 3.5mm crochet hook.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 4

BLO 1sc x 24 (24)

Round 5

(1sc, sc2tog) x 8 (16)

Round 6

1sc x 16 (16)

cc to yellow

Round 7 – 27

1sc x 16 (16)

Fill with toy stuffing

Round 28

sc2tog to close, then sew closed, leaving a long tail of yarn for sewing later.

Back legs

Picture of the giraffe's legs

Begin in the orange shade of yarn again.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 4

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 8 (32)

Round 5

BLO 1sc x 32 (32)

Round 6

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 8 (24)

Round 7

1sc x 24 (24)

cc yellow

Round 8

(1sc, sc2tog) x 8 (16)

Round 9 – 33

1sc x 16 (16)

Round 34

sc2tog to close, then sew closed, leaving a long tail of yarn for sewing later.

Giraffe patches

All of your giraffe’s patches will be made in the darker yarn using your 3.5mm crochet hook.


Image of the big patches

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

((dc, tr, dc), sc) x 3, (dc, tr, dc), slst


Image of the small patches

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

3sc, slst, ((sc, dc, sc), slst) x 2


Picture of the smallest patches

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

(slst, 3sc, slst) x 2

Giraffe’s tail

image of the giraffe's tail

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

2sc x 6 (12)

Round 3 – 11

1sc x 12 (12)

Stuff the tail so far.

Round 12

Sc2tog to close.

Sewing your Giraffe Together

You’re now ready to sew your giraffe together. You’ll want to use the yarns you worked each section with, so mostly the yellow and the orange for the ossicones. Some pieces will have tail sections you can use for sewing, others you can use yarn from the skein.

Lay the sections out on the floor in front of you.

Exploded picture of the giraffe's composite parts

Begin by sewing the ears and ossicones onto the head. You want your ears to sit nine rows back directly from the eyes. Attach the base of the ears so they sit upright, with the section flattened.

The ossicones sit between and slightly forward of the ear positions. Weave in and out of the ends around the circumference of the circular base.

Image showing where to attach the ossicones and ears

Now you can sew the head onto the neck. I like to sit it so that the flat back of the head lines up with the neck, and sew in and out of the stitches around towards the chin side and back up.

Image showing the head placement on the body

You will be sewing the limbs onto the body using the long yarn tails you left earlier. Place the legs so that your giraffe is in a standing position, directly at the center of the body where you closed your circle.

Image showing the legs attachment onto the body

The arms need to sit where the neck widens into the body, at either side of the toy.

Image showing how to sew the giraffe's arms on

Finally weave the tail onto the back underside of the body, hanging down behind the legs.

Picture of the tail attachment point

Finishing Touches

Your giraffe is nearly complete now, we just need to add a few more details to really bring her to life.

Attaching the patches

I think the giraffe’s patches look best when sewn onto the body at random. I recommend placing them with a slight lean towards having larger patches lower down, but otherwise without a concerted plan.

Picture of my attachment of the patches

Pin the patches in place whilst you decide what you think looks best, then sew around the edge of each one with your tapestry needle and the brown yarn.

The giraffe’s mane and tail

I used a needle and the orange yarn to create the mane and tail. Attach the orange yarn, and starting at the top of the giraffe’s head, weave in and out of the stitches down the back of the neck. With each stitch, leave a loop of yarn exposed to form strands of hair. Once you’ve reached the nape of the neck, proceed back up sewing into the next set of stitches along.

Illustration of the mane sewing technique

In a similar manner, work the tail from the center of the magic circle around the first couple of rounds, looping into each stitch.


Finally, let’s make sure your amigurumi giraffe can breathe with a pair or nostrils. Keep your orange yarn on the tapestry needle, and sew back and forth across a three stitch gap around six rounds back from the starting magic circle of your giraffe’s muzzle.

Picture of the finished crochet giraffe

I can’t wait to hear what you think of your finished giraffe, so do let me know in the comments section below.

Lucy Kate, x

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