Crocheting a Ball

crochet sphere and ovoid

Crocheting a ball is such a useful skill, especially if you are looking to move on to creating amigurumi animals. But they can be used for everything from crocheted Christmas decorations to cool keyrings.

Today I’ll share basic patterns for a generic circle, sphere and ovoid. My favorite ways to make these shapes will help you to get to grips with patterns, and even begin to design your own crochet creatures. Practise these patterns with some DK yarn and your 4mm crochet hook.

2D vs 3D Crocheting

You can follow this process in stages, starting with a flat ring. Once you’re confident crocheting a two dimensional circle, you can move onto three dimensional spheres.

From there you can change the number of single stitch rounds to create ovoid shapes. And finally expand different parts of each circular round to make irregular shapes.

Simple Crochet Circle Pattern

Your example crochet circle pattern is worked in a round from a six stitch magic loop.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

Put two single crochets into each stitch of the round:

2sc x 6 (12)

Round 3

Make one single crochet into the first stitch, then two into the next. Repeat in this manner for the round:

(1sc, 2sc) x 6 (18)

crocheted circle

Round 4

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 6 (24)

Round 5

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 6 (30)

Round 6

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 6 (36)

Round 7

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 6 (42)

Round 8

(1sc x 6, 2sc) x 6 (48)

Round 9

(1sc x 7, 2sc) x 6 (54)

To enlarge your crochet circle simply keep repeating this increasing pattern. Once you’ve finished use your fingertips to even out the outline to prevent it hexagoning!

Turning Crochet Circles Into Spheres

To give flat crochet discs depth all you need to do is add rounds of individual single crochets, then decrease your rounds whilst maintaining the same number of single crochet rounds between the decreases.

Adding single crochet rounds works because it pulls the shape tighter where the round has the same natural width as the previous round you worked.

crocheting a sphere

Basic Crochet Ball Pattern

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

Put two single crochets into each stitch of the round:

2sc x 6 (12)

Round 3

Make one single crochet into the first stitch, then two into the next. Repeat in this manner for the round:

(1sc, 2sc) x 6 (18)

Round 4

1sc x 18 (18)

Gently invert the shape so that your neater right side stitches are showing.

crocheting a sphere

Round 5

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 6 (24)

Round 6

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 7

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 6 (30)

Round 8

1sc x 30 (30)

Round 9

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 6 (36)

crocheting spheres

Round 10

1sc x 36 (36)

Round 11

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 6 (42)

Round 12

1sc x 42 (42)

Round 13

(1sc x 6, 2sc) x 6 (48)

Round 14

1sc x 48 (48)

Round 15

(1sc x 7, 2sc) x 6 (54)

Round 17

Make one single crochet into the first seven stitches, then single crochet the next pair of stitches together. Repeat for the round:

(1sc x 7, sc2tog) x 6 (48)

Round 18

1sc x 48 (48)

Round 19

(1sc x 6, sc2tog) x 6 (42)

Round 20

1sc x 42 (42)

Round 21

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 6 (36)

Round 22

1sc x 36 (36)

Round 23

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 6 (30)

Round 24

1sc x 30 (30)

Round 25

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 6 (24)

Round 26

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 27

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 6 (18)

Round 28

1sc x 18 (18)

Round 29

(1sc, sc2tog) x 6 (12)

Round 30

sc2tog to close.

Elongating the Shape

A three dimensional sphere can be turned into an oval through adding additional single crochet rounds.

crocheting an ovoid

Three Dimensional Crochet Oval Pattern

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

Put two single crochets into each stitch of the round:

2sc x 6 (12)

Round 3

Make one single crochet into the first stitch, then two into the next. Repeat in this manner for the round:

(1sc, 2sc) x 6 (18)

Round 4

1sc x 18 (18)

Gently invert the shape so that your neater right side stitches are showing.

Round 5

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 6 (24)

Round 6 – 7

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 8

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 6 (30)

Round 9 – 11

1sc x 30 (30)

Round 12

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 6 (36)

Round 13 – 16

1sc x 36 (36)

Round 17

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 6 (42)

Round 18 – 22

1sc x 42 (42)

Round 23

Make one single crochet into the first five stitches, then single crochet the next pair of stitches together. Repeat for the round:

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 6 (36)

Round 24 – 27

1sc x 36 (36)

Round 28

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 6 (30)

Round 29 – 31

1sc x 30 (30)

Round 32

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 6 (24)

Round 33 – 34

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 35

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 6 (18)

Round 36

1sc x 18 (18)

Round 37

(1sc, sc2tog) x 6 (12)

Round 38

sc2tog to close.

Crocheting Three Dimensional Shapes

crocheted bauble

These crochet shapes didn’t go to waste – I turned all three of them into holiday tree ornaments. It’s amazing what you can do with circles, sphere and ovoids, but my favorite thing will always be amigurumi patterns.

I hope you’ve found this helpful, and happy crocheting!

Lucy Kate, x

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