15 Surprising Crochet Facts and Tips for Beginners

lucy kate crochet pointing at her hook with a faded picture of a crochet donkey behind her

I love a random crochet fact, but there isn’t always an appropriate moment to share it with you. So I’ve created this page with the sole purpose of sharing all of those fun and fascinating pearls of crochet wisdom that have seeped into my brain over the years, in an entirely out of context but hopefully entertaining way.

Let me know in the comments if you think of any I’ve forgotten, and which is your favorite!

In crochet there are often several ways to do the same thing

From color changes to weaving in ends, there isn’t a standard rule book for techniques that we are all following. Lots of people get to the same destination via totally different routes.

There is no wrong way to crochet

If you’re manipulating and knotting yarn with your hook, you’re doing crochet.

Don’t fight with your yarn

If it’s a nasty texture, too tangly, keeps splitting, just stop using it. Worst case scenario, it always makes for great stuffing!

The hook you choose matters

Be picky about which hook you use. A bad or inappropriate hook for you can truly ruin your crocheting experience. Choose one you are comfortable holding and that won’t catch on your yarn as you work.

Hold your hook however you want

There are two semi official ways to hold your hook – the knife or the pencil grip. Both in my opinion not terribly useful or accurate names, given I don’t hold a knife or pencil like either one! But you can hold your own hook however you please, just be careful you aren’t causing yourself avoidable discomfort.

Use your hook however you want

Not everyone picks up the yarn or enters a stitch in the same way. Whether you are an end in first person, or a pick up with the hooked section person, it all has the same results. Different things work for different people.

Count your stitches whenever you remember

Don’t just count in chains or when you know you’ve lost count, do it whenever it occurs to you. Even in a very familiar pattern, and especially when working in rounds.

Anything can be a stitch marker

Although I own numerous stitch markers designed to do the job, I mostly use yarn scraps!

Try new things regularly

Even if you don’t want to, aren’t in the mood or just want to repeatedly do the thing you’re familiar with, I urge you to try something new. Switch out a yarn type, experiment with a different hook or learn a new stitch. It all keeps your interest and expands your knowledge.

Don’t agree to projects you don’t want to take on

We’ve all been there, and the pressure is real. When someone we care about or even want to impress asks us to help them, it’s hard to say no. Give yourself a holding message to pass on, and decide whether it’s really something you want to commit to before you say yes.

Value your work

Appreciate what you’ve done, at every stage. Hard work, skill and time all go into make your projects. And if you decide to sell them, don’t undervalue yourself in monetary terms just to be nice.

Take a break

Schedule days when you don’t crochet, or limit the time you spend. This will serve to save your wrists, shoulders, hands, and possibly mental health too.

It’s okay to ask questions

Being brave enough to ask for help is a huge part of the learning experience. And I’d encourage you to ask the same question to different people too, if there is something you are struggling with.

Use multiple sources

Watch a tutorial from a different crocheter if you find a technique confusing. And read as many pattern and stitch books as you can. Immerse yourself.

Complicated isn’t more valid than simple

Every crocheted piece of work matters. Everything you make with your own hands. It isn’t important what anyone else thinks of your creation. It’s all about you!

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