Crochet Poodle Pattern

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

This crochet Poodle pattern comes complete with a seriously curly coat. It’s beginner friendly, with no complex color changes or unusual stitches. A perfect first amigurumi project for dog fans!

How To Crochet A Poodle Toy - Your Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

This design was a special request from my 3 year old daughter, and fortunately she was delighted with the outcome.

Crochet Poodle Equipment

To make your own crochet Poodle you will need the following crochet equipment. I used Debbie Bliss Cotton Denim DK yarn to make my crochet Poodle. You don’t need to use the exact same yarn, though I recommend using one of the same weight if you would like to replicate it:

Crochet Poodle Pattern Notes

This crochet poodle pattern uses just a few simple crochet techniques.

If you are new to crochet, check out a full guide to the basic stitches and techniques here.

The total number of stitches in each round will be given at the end of the instruction, in brackets. The hook I used is slightly smaller than Debbie Bliss advice on the packaging. This is because I like my toys to be very tightly stitched, so as not to expose any stuffing.

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Crochet Poodle Pattern

This Crochet Poodle Pattern is given in sections, as the puppy is created separately and then sewn together upon completion. The chains for your Poodle’s fur are added after the toy is complete.

Crochet Poodle Head

crochet poodle on a couch

Begin working in a round, using your size F crochet hook and cream yarn.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of 6 stitches (6)

Round 2

Put two single crochets into each stitch (12)

2sc x 6

Round 3

Put one single crochet into the first stitch, then two single crochets into the next. Repeat for the length of the round (18)

(1sc, 2sc) x 6

Round 4

Put one single crochet into the first two stitches, then two single crochets into the next. Repeat for the length of the round (24)

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 6

Round 5 – 6

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 7

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 6 (30)

Round 8 – 10

1sc x 30 (30)

Round 11

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 6 (36)

Round 12

1sc x 36 (36)

Round 13

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 6 (42)

Round 14

(1sc x 6, 2sc) x 6 (48)

Round 15

(1sc x 7, 2sc) x 6 (54)

Round 16 – 18

1sc x 54 (54)

Round 19

Put a single crochet into the first seven stitches, then single crochet the next two stitches together. Repeat for the length of the round. (48)

(1sc x 7, sc2tog) x 6

Round 20

(1sc x 6, sc2tog) x 6 (42)

Add two safety eyes above your crochet Poodle’s muzzle.

Round 21

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 6 (36)

Round 22

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 6 (30)

Round 23

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 6 (24)

Round 24

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 6 (18)

Round 25

(1sc, sc2tog) x 6 (12)

Fill the Crochet Poodle’s head with toy stuffing.

Round 26

Sc2tog to close.

Crochet Poodle Face

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

To give your Crochet Poodle a face, you will need your yarn needle and brown yarn. Work a triangle around the magic circle which began the head. Fill in the triangle with lines of yarn, until it gives a complete nose appearance. When the nose is finished, sew a line downwards, then left and right to make her mouth.

Crochet Poodle Ears

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Begin working in a round, using your size F crochet hook and cream yarn.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of three stitches (3)

Round 2

2sc x 3 (6)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 3 (9)

Round 4

1sc x 9 (9)

Round 5

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 3 (12)

Round 6

1sc x 12 (12)

Round 7

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 3 (15)

Round 8

1sc x 15

Round 9

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 3 (18)

Round 10 – 25

1sc x 18 (18)

Crochet Poodle Body

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Begin working in a round, using your size F crochet hook and cream yarn.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of eight stitches (8)

Round 2

2sc x 8 (16)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 4

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 8 (32)

Round 5 – 8

1sc x 32 (32)

Round 9

(1sc x 3, 2sc) x 8 (40)

Round 10

(1sc x 4, 2sc) x 8 (48)

Round 11

(1sc x 5, 2sc) x 8 (56)

Round 12 – 20

1sc x 56 (56)

Round 21

(1sc x 5, sc2tog) x 8 (48)

Round 22 – 27

1sc x 48 (48)

Round 28

(1sc x 4, sc2tog) x 8 (40)

Round 29

(1sc x 3, sc2tog) x 8 (32)

Round 30

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 8 (24)

Round 31

(1sc, sc2tog) x 8 (16)

Fill with toy stuffing

Round 32

Sc2tog to close.

Crochet Poodle Legs

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Begin working in a round, using your size F crochet hook and cream yarn.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of six stitches (6)

Round 2

2sc x 6 (12)

Round 3

(1sc, 2sc) x 6 (18)

Round 4

(1sc x 2, 2sc) x 6 (24)

Round 5 – 6

1sc x 24 (24)

Round 7

1sc x 12

(1sc x 2, sc2tog) x 3 (21)

Round 8

1sc x 12

(1sc, sc2tog) x 3 (18)

Round 9

1sc x 12

Sc2tog x 3 (15)

Round 10 – 27

1sc x 15 (15)

Fill the Crochet Poodle’s legs with toy stuffing 3/4 of the way. Leaving the top section empty.

Round 28

Sc2tog to close

Crochet Poodle Tail

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Begin working in a round, using your size F crochet hook and cream yarn.

Round 1

Make a magic circle of four stitches (4)

Round 2

2sc x 4 (8)

Round 3 – 18

1sc x 8 (8)

Round 19

(1sc, 2sc) x 4 (12)

Sewing Your Crochet Poodle Together

You should now have the following complete parts for your Crochet Poodle

  • Head
  • Body
  • Ears x 2
  • Legs x 4
  • Tail

First attach the ears to the head. Poodle ears hang low. Using your steel yarn needle and the same color yarn, sew the ears onto the top sides of the head, hanging down to the chin.

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern

Then sew the tops of the legs onto the body, and the tail just above the finishing circle of the body. The final row of 12 of the tail will give you the space to secure it to the body. Using your yarn needle, finally sew any loose strands of yarn back into the body of the dog to disguise them.

Crochet Poodle Fur

Your crochet Poodle’s coat is made by crocheting a series of chains with slip stitches. Joining each chain to the Poodle component.

Crochet Poodle Tail Fur

Your Crochet Poodle’s tail has a ball of fur at the end of it. This is made with a series of chains.

Free Crochet Poodle Pattern
  • Begin by slip stitching into the first stitch of the magic circle that began the tail.
  • Make a chain of 12 stitches.
  • Slip stitch into the next stitch around the magic circle.
  • Repeat around the tail, until you are approximately four rows down.

Crochet Poodle Head Fur

Your Crochet Poodle should have a Poodle style top-knot on top of her head.

This top knot should be created using chains, as the tail was. But these should vary in length. Change the lengths randomly for a more natural effect. Make around 50% of them 20 chains long, and the other 50% 12 chains long.

Make the hair by chaining and slip stitching into each stitch as previously, working into each stitch in the gap between the ears on top of the head.

Crochet Poodle Ear Fur

You can now crochet chains for fur onto your Poodle’s ears.

  • Start along the top of the ears where they join onto the head. Make chains 12 stitches long.
  • When you are seven rows down, make chains of 8 stitches.
  • Carry on for 8 rows, then swap to making chains of 5 stitches for the remainder of the ear.

Crochet Poodle Ankle Fur

Finally you can crochet your Poodle’s fluffy ankles.

  • On each foot, count 10 rounds up from the magic circle at the base of the foot.
  • Slip stitch into a stitch in the round, and chain 8. Slip stitch into the next stitch, then chain 8 again. Repeat for the length of a round, then increase the chain count to 12.
  • Make chain loops for one further round, then slip stitch and tie off to finish.

Crocheting Your Poodle’s Coat

The most time consuming part of this pattern is the crochet Poodle’s fur. But you can make as much or as little of this part as you like.

My daughter wanted a Poodle with the show style Poodle cut. Curly ears, top knot, tail end and ankles. Everything else shaved short. But as I’m sure you know, naturally Poodles have a glorious all-over curly coat. When you are making your own Poodle, you can decide how much or little fur you would like to crochet.

Crochet Your Own Poodle

I hope that you enjoy making your very own Crochet Poodle toy. Why not let us know how you get along in the comments section below, or share a photo of your finished toy on my Facebook page?

More Crochet Cuddly Toys

  • How to crochet a toy caterpillar
  • Crochet giraffe plushie pattern
  • Crochet your own bunny
  • How to crochet a horse

Happy Crocheting!

Lucy Kate, x

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  1. Hi!! Love the pattern!! Only thing is you don’t mention how much yarn to use. Could you please tell me how many skeins? Thanks!!

    1. Hi Jolene, You will need 200g of yarn (two skeins) for this pattern. You won’t use it all, but will definitely need more than a single ball of yarn to complete it. I hope you enjoy making him! Lucy x

  2. I just love it, I want to make this for my girl too. The images are amazing, Especially Baby girl with the poodle. Thanks for this detailed post, I have seen many bloggers post designs. But all of them don’t provide the full info on How to make it.

    1. It allows the legs to bend, so you can sit or lay him down. If you want stiff legs, then fill to the top. Hope this helps! Lucy

  3. To print the pattern of the poodle, it would be 32 pages long. Is there a shorter version of the pattern? There is a lot of wasted space on some of the pages, I really want to make a black one and a white one, but don’t want to contend with so many pages. If you can help I with really appreciate it. Thank you.

    1. Hi Mary, I’m afraid I am not able to make PDF patterns at present. Personally I work with online patterns directly from my computer or phone screen, so avoid printing altogether. Maybe this is something you could try? Alternatively I’m afraid pasting it into a Word document and adjusting the spacing might be another option. Best wishes, Lucy

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